Leaving your dog in someone else’s care involves a huge amount of trust and there is no UK-wide legislation specifically covering professional dog walking. We list the basic dog welfare and professional conduct requirements we believe every professional dog walker should follow.

Dog First Aid Trained
Every dog professional should have a valid Dog First Aid Certificate and refresh their skills regularly.
Here at Outdoor Paws we are all Dog First Aid Trained. A key part of our training has been in prevention of dog injuries, but if we were ever to come across an injured dog that needs medical attention our training provides us with the confidence and skills required to handle the situation.
We have been trained in life saving emergency skills including:
- How to examine a dog correctly and safely
- Scene assessment
- What a Dog First Aiders role is – what you can and can’t do
- Canine CPR
- How to act if a dog starts choking
- Dog fights
- Different types of bleeds and what to do
- Drowning dogs – when can they drown and how to react
- Which burns to treat and how
- Heat stroke
- Road traffic accidents
- Eye injuries
We always carry a dog first aid kit with us on walks.

Dog Insurance
Outdoor Paws are fully insured and our current pet insurance policy cover (valid until 27/05/2020) for dog walking, pet visits and pet sitting includes:
- Public Liability (£5,000,000)
- Professional Indemnity (£100,000)
- Loss/Theft of Keys (£10,000)
- Per Animal Care Custody & Control of Animals (£1,250)
- Custodial Responsibility (£10,000)
We are insured to walk 6 dogs at a time, although we usually only walk 4 or 5. Walking groups are always matched to make sure all dogs respond positively together.
We have commercial vehicle insurance for our professionally equipped dog walking van. You can read more about our transport and equipment in this blog post.
You can request to see our current Dog First Aid Certificates, Insurance documents and DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) Certificates at any time.
Complying with Legislation
We comply with the current regulations and legislation relevant to a professional dog walker, including:
- Animal Welfare Act 2006
- Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014
- The Control of Dogs Order 1992
- Countryside & Right of Way Act 2000
- Dangerous Dogs Act 1991
- The Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Act 1997
- Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996
- Dog Fouling – Clean Neighbourhoods and Environments Act 2005
- Dogs Protection of Livestock Act 1953
- Environmental Protection Act 1990
- Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981
- Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
- The Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2015
- Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
- Regulation on the protection of animals during transport (EC) 1/2005
- Welfare of Animals (Transport)(England) Order 2006
Future posts will address dog behaviour, understanding dog’s individual needs and what makes a good dog walker.
You can follow our dog walking adventures on Instagram and Facebook.