Abbots Pool Dog Walk

A tranquil wildlife-rich oasis with a feature central pool that was once used by abbots and monks to provide fresh fish whilst they were staying in their rest-house nearby.

We park close to the George Inn pub, and walk up Manor Road to the footpath next to Grangewood House.  The path takes us between the houses and to the top entrance of the woodland where we begin our Abbots Pool dog walk.

Abbots Pool map
Map at the top entrance

This walk is so much fun for dogs and has plenty of variety including, a wooden bridge, hidden pathways, mature woodland, fallen trees, a series of pools to paddle and swim, water casscade and a bat cave!

Abbots Pool start of dog walk
Cleo is excited to start the adventure
Abbots Pool woodland dog walk
Cleo on the main path

The mature woodland includes massive oak and beech trees and an abundance of wildlife, including deer, squirrels, birds and bats. There are also picnic benches dotted around.

We explore the woodland paths and then visit the pool for a paddle.

Abbots Pool small pools dog
During the 1930’s Pulhamite was used to join natural rocks together
Stepping stones.
Small trout pools were separated by cascades’ constructed from Pulhamite

The large central pool is covered in lilies, there are fish, and waterfowl nest on islands. The dam provides a deep area and cascade to lower pools.

As we prepare to leave Abbots Pool, someone arrives to enjoy an early morning wild swim.

Abbots Pool in Bristol central pool
Central pool
Dog watching ducks at Abbots Pool Bristol
Watching the ducks

This is a beautiful area and one of our favourite locations to bring dogs. They get very excited running along the paths and splashing about in the pools. It can get quite busy when the weather is nice but during the week it is usually very quiet and peaceful.

There is a small car park for Abbots Pool further along Manor Road, but if we spot a space close to the pub we find it easier to walk.

Next year I will post about the (secret?!) bluebell wood which is very close to Abbots Pool. Here are a few more photos from our visit:

Bridge at Abbots Pool.
Looking for squirrels?
Wild Swimming at Abbots Pool Bristol
Early morning wild swimming
Dog running through woodland.
Woodland walking
Dog searching keeping watch.
Wet dog after a paddle at Abbots Pool.
After a fun paddle
Dog hiding in the undergrowth.
Hiding in the undergrowth
Dog running along the trails of Abbots Pool Bristol.
Cleo loves running along the trails
Dog running at Abbots Pool.
The end of today’s adventure
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